Donald Trump Tucker Carlson USA Presidency Interview
Donald Trump will skip the first Republican primary debate next week in favour of an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to reports.
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Who's afraid of Tucker Carlson?
Tucker Carlson with Donald Trump together IN 2022
Tucker Carlson..... ".... You Have No Idea What Is Coming11 .... PREPARE NOW!!!!"
"... If I told you openly everything that I know ... I would be taken out..." ..Tucker Carlson
"... All the lies publicly been hand fed to the general public about the Russian-Ukrainian War are being exposed...."
" ..... around $14 trillion have been spent by the USA since 2001 on financing wars and conflicts outside the USA, which includes what has been spent in fighting the Russian-Ukrainian War ..... "
".... the fact that around 400,000 Ukrainians have died fighting the Russian-Ukrainian War as at September 2023 has not been told to the public by the mainstream Western Media ... with only around 50,000 Russians have died in the Russian-Ukrainian War as at September 2023"
".... tanks provided by the USA to Ukraine are decades old ....."
" ....Ukraine in more corrupt that Mexico ..."
" ....
Ukrainian President Zelensky’s journey from comedian to convincing war leader - BBC News
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A clip from Zelensky’s past as a comedian has gone viral online this week. The video shows Zelensky playing the piano onstage in front of a live audience with his private parts. Journalist Amy Spiro shared the clip on Twitter and captioned it: “Who among us has not played “Hava Nagila” on a piano with their genitals
Video of Zelensky playing a piano with his p*nis …
Ireland has fifth-highest number of Ukrainians by …
WebMay 22, 2023 · Ireland has fifth-highest number of Ukrainians by population size, latest data shows There were 76,175 Ukrainian refugees in Ireland …
Donald Trump chooses Tucker Carlson interview over Republican primary debate
The former president has long suggested he would give the event a miss, arguing it made no sense for him to give the other candidates a chance to attack him.
Saturday 19 August 2023
Donald Trump chooses Tucker Carlson interview over Republican primary debate | US News | Sky News

Tucker Carlson with Donald Trump together IN 2022
Donald Trump will skip the first Republican primary debate next week in favour of an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, according to reports.
The former president has hinted for months that he would sidestep the Milwaukee-based event, arguing it didn't make sense to give other candidates the chance to attack him given his sizeable lead among Republicans in national polls.
According to two sources familiar with the matter, he is instead seeking a sit-down interview with Carlson, NBC reports.
A source close to Carlson said he was currently on his way to Europe, where he has interviews and events lined up all next week.
The source added the talk show host is "always in discussions" with all the candidates, and nothing is firmly set with Trump and Carlson.
Trump has also criticised Fox News, which is hosting the debate, over its recent coverage of him.
Carlson left Fox earlier this year, having previously been one of the news channel's highest-profile hosts.
He now releases a self-produced show on X, formerly known as Twitter, which has seen him interview two other presidential hopefuls, Republican Vivek Ramaswamy and Democrat Robert F Kennedy Jr, as well as the controversial internet personality Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan.
His absence could mean Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will become the focus of attacks from other candidates jockeying for position.
In the most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll released this month, Trump had the support of 47% of the Republican vote nationally, with DeSantis dropping six percentage points from July down to just 13%.
None of the other candidates due to attend the debate have broken out of single digits in polling.
Trump's rivals for the Republican presidential nomination ahead of the 2024 election will gather at the debate, but so far only a few have aggressively criticised Trump despite his mounting legal troubles.
He has until 25 August to voluntarily surrender in Georgia, after being charged this week in a fourth criminal indictment, for an alleged scheme to reverse his 2020 election loss.
Donald Trump Calls Rupert Murdoch As A Globalist and Lambasts Fox News September 2023
Donald Trump Interview With Tucker Carlson Highlights
Donald Trump Tucker Carlson Interview September 2023 Part One
Donald Trump Tucker Carlson Interview September 2023 Part Two
Trump: Rupert Murdoch a ‘globalist’ trying to tear me down | The Hill
Former President Trump accused Rupert Murdoch, the owner and chief executive at Fox Corp., of sabotaging his campaign with negative coverage in the various media properties he owns.
“Fox News and the Wall Street Journal fight me because Murdoch is a globalist,” Trump said in a short video posted to his Truth Social website Wednesday afternoon. “And I am America First. It’s very simple, and it will always be that way, so get used to it.”
Trump has repeatedly accused Fox, specifically, and Murdoch, more generally, of trying to boost the candidacy of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the former president’s top GOP rival in the party’s 2024 primary.
In the video, Trump, who holds a double-digit lead over DeSantis and the rest of the GOP primary field, celebrated that the Florida governor was “a Murdoch pick” who has “fallen like a very badly injured bird out of the sky.”
Trump also took issue with the Wall Street Journal, another Murdoch-owned publication that has been increasingly critical of him, saying the bastion of financial news and conservative opinion commentary had “totally lost its way.”
Trump did not attend last week’s first GOP primary debate, a decision he says he made in part due to the “hostile” relationship he has with Fox and Murdoch.
Several of Fox’s top opinion hosts remain loudly supportive of Trump, including top pundits Sean Hannity, Maria Bartiromo and Jesse Watters.
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Rupert Murdoch The Untold Story of the world's greatest media wizard Rupert Murdoch
That the Republican Party Doesn’t?
His populist attacks on the priorities of the “ruling class” have set off a maelstrom.
Video of Zelensky playing a piano with his p*nis spotlights his comedic past (
Who among us has not played "Hava Nagila" on a piano with their genitals on stage and then gone on to lead their country against a foreign invasion?
— Amy Spiro (@AmySpiro) February 28, 2022
A video of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky playing the piano with his private parts has gone viral, reminding people all around the world of his comedic past.
The clip, which is a piece of sketch comedy, was taken from a Ukrainian TV show on which Zelensky appeared.
Here is everything we know…
A clip from Zelensky’s past as a comedian has gone viral online this week. The video shows Zelensky playing the piano onstage in front of a live audience with his private parts.
Journalist Amy Spiro shared the clip on Twitter and captioned it: “Who among us has not played “Hava Nagila” on a piano with their genitals on stage and then gone on to lead their country against a foreign invasion?”
The video has a million views on Twitter as people all over the world are reflecting on Zelensky’s past as an actor and comedian.
President Zelensky’s comedic past explained
Zelensky’s road to becoming president began when he starred in TV show Servant of the People. In the show, he played the role of a schoolteacher who became the president of Ukraine.
The now-president’s character Vasyl Petrovych Holoborodko unexpectedly becomes leader of his country after a video of him criticising politicians goes viral online.
After the show became immensely popular in 2018, Zelensky announced on live television that he planned to run for president. He then won the 2019 presidential election with a landslide 73% of the vote.
Zelensky voiced Paddington Bear…
Although many people were aware of Zelensky’s comedic past, others were shocked to find out that the Ukrainian president also voiced Paddington Bear.
When the film was released in Ukraine, Zelensky took on the voice role of the beloved bear.
On February 27th, Hugh Bonneville, who played Paddington’s foster father Henry Brown in the UK version of the 2014 film, tweeted:
“Until today I had no idea who provided the voice of Paddington Bear in Ukraine. Speaking for myself, thank you, President Zelensky.”
Donald Trump chooses Tucker Carlson interview over Republican primary debate
The former president has long suggested he would give the event a miss, arguing it made no sense for him to give the other candidates a chance to attack him.
Saturday 19 August 2023

Richard Johnson receives a cup of hot gumbo at the Prospect Plaza Park Free Hot Soup picnic in Kansas City, Mo.Credit...Chase Castor for The New York Times
Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C. on politics, demographics and inequality.
Competing notions of American national identity are coming to dominate American politics.
On Jan. 2, a searing Tucker Carlson monologue on Fox News resonated across every corner of the conservative movement.
“The goal for America is both simpler and more elusive than mere prosperity,” Carlson told his audience. “Dignity. Purpose. Self-control. Independence. Above all, deep relationships with other people.”
President Trump is one of the most dedicated Fox viewers in the country. Carlson went on:
Our leaders don’t care. We are ruled by mercenaries who feel no long-term obligation to the people they rule. They’re day traders. Substitute teachers. They’re just passing through. They have no skin in this game, and it shows. They can’t solve our problems. They don’t even bother to understand our problems.
Carlson, who is in a ratings race with both his Fox colleague Sean Hannity and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, argued that many conservatives have scant understanding of the adversity faced by members of the working and lower middle class in America:
The idea that families are being crushed by market forces seems never to occur to them. They refuse to consider it. Questioning markets feels like apostasy. Both sides miss the obvious point: Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined. Certain economic systems allow families to thrive. Thriving families make market economies possible.
Carlson pointed specifically to problems faced by rural white America, the crucial base of Republican voters: “Stunning out of wedlock birthrates. High male unemployment. A terrifying drug epidemic.” How, Carlson asked, “did this happen?”
You’d think our ruling class would be interested in knowing the answer. But mostly they’re not. They don’t have to be interested. It’s easier to import foreign labor to take the place of native-born Americans who are slipping behind.
Despite this failing of conservatism, Carlson contended that only the Republican Party can lead the country back to salvation:
There’s no option at this point. But first, Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion. Market capitalism is a tool, like a staple gun or a toaster. You’d have to be a fool to worship it. Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets. Just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having. A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society.
The Carlson monologue became an extended subject of debate, which my Times colleague Ross Douthat also examined. For example, in “The Right Should Reject Tucker Carlson’s Victimhood Populism,” David French, a senior writer at National Review, argued that “it is still true that your choices are far more important to your success than any government program or the actions of any nefarious banker or any malicious feminist.”
“If an obscure senator gave this speech, he’d be famous overnight,” Kyle Smith, a critic at large for National Review, wrote the next day. “Carlson scores some major points, and like most great speeches this one can’t easily be dismissed as either left or right-wing.”
Carlson touched nerves well outside conservative circles. I asked Dean Baker, co-founder of the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research, for his response to the monologue. He replied: “It’s a bit scary to me how much of this I agree with.” Baker quibbled with some minor points, but
ignoring these off the mark comments, he is absolutely right that the leadership of both parties has largely embraced an agenda that serves the rich with little concern for average workers.

In addition to Carlson, one of the most engaged critics of the Republican establishment is Oren Cass, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and the author of “The Once and Future Worker.”
In his book, Cass faults both parties, but his condemnation of the Democratic Party is far harsher than his critique of the Republican Party:
Republicans have generally trusted that free markets will benefit all participants, prized the higher output associated with an ‘efficient’ outcome, and expressed skepticism that political actors could identify and pursue better outcomes, even if any existed. Their labor-market policy could best be described as one of benign neglect.
Democrats, in contrast,
can sound committed to a more worker-centric model of growth, but rather than trusting the market too much, they trample it. The party’s actual agenda centers on the interests advanced by its coalition of labor unions, environmentalists, and identity groups. Its policies rely on an expectation that government mandates and programs will deliver what the market does not. This agenda inserts countless regulatory wedges that aim to improve the conditions of employment but in the process raise its cost, driving apart the players that the market is attempting to connect.
In a Salon review of “The Once and Future Worker,” Samuel Hammond, director of welfare policy at the libertarian Niskanen Center — a Washington a think tank I described last week — writes:
Indeed, far from the usual conservative manifesto, ‘The Once and Future Worker,’ is a scathing critique of globalization, open immigration, and the commoditization of labor — forces which Cass believes have ransacked working class fortunes across three decades of neoliberal hegemony.
Cass is eager to place himself at the disposal of both parties. He was one of 13 ideologically ambidextrous authors of a joint Brookings-American Enterprise Institute report, “Work, Skills, Community: Restoring Opportunity for the Working Class.” The November 2018 study pointed to areas of concord between segments of the right and the left.
The 13 authors found common ground on a set of proposals that call for both more spending and tougher work requirements. These proposals include expanding the earned-income tax credit to cover childless workers, including experimenting with a new wage subsidy; getting recipients of government subsidies back to work, including beneficiaries of means-tested government programs; and enlarging eligibility for the child and dependent care tax credit.
While it is possible, in theory, that Carlson and Cass could support Democratic candidates, they sharply disagree with the Democratic Party on the highly salient issue of immigration.
‘He could be a good president’: is Tucker Carlson the next Donald Trump?
The Fox News host spoke at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, a state that has first say in Republican presidential nominees

Tucker Carlson, 53, has been touted as a potential Trump heir who may launch a similar bid for the White House.
He entered to rapturous applause, flattered his hosts shamelessly, told them about his political vision and sold them merchandise bearing his name.
Tucker Carlson’s appearance in Iowa on Friday looked like a presidential run, walked like a presidential run and quacked like a presidential run but was most certainly not a presidential run, at least as far as anyone knows.
The Fox News host was the keynote speaker at the Family Leadership Summit, a gathering of more than 1,800 religious conservatives in Des Moines, Iowa, which every four years is the first state to have a say in picking the Republican presidential nominee.
It was at the same forum in the same state seven years ago that businessman and reality TV star Donald Trump told the audience that Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam, was “not a war hero” – instantly dooming his candidacy, or so everyone thought.
Carlson, 53, another political neophyte and media celebrity, has been touted as a potential Trump heir who might launch a bid for the White House by stoking the same flames of populism, white identity politics and hunger for a man who says what he thinks – the more outrageous the better.
The New York Times has described Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News as “what may be the most racist show in the history of cable news”. It is also the most highly rated in prime time.
Carlson describes white supremacy as a “hoax” but has become a prominent conduit for its talking points, suggesting that diversity is America’s biggest existential threat. He has notoriously promoted the far right “great replacement” theory, which holds that western elites are importing immigrant voters to usurp white people.
Yet while he has embraced the nativist and liberal-taunting strains of the “Make America great again” movement, Carlson had been careful to keep some daylight between himself and Trump – leading some to speculate that he is carving out his own lane.
“He could be a good president for sure,” said Kent Proudfit, 70, attending Friday’s Family Leadership Summit. “I don’t know if he would run but he’s pretty popular. He’s got the biggest cable show in America right now. I’d definitely vote for him.”
Proudfit, a retired hospital courier driver wearing a “Trump 2024 revenge tour” cap that he got for free, said he was untroubled by Carlson’s lack of political experience.
“You don’t always need to have somebody that’s a politician; maybe somebody that’s in business just like Trump was,” Proudfit said. “We need a businessman and he’s done pretty good in business so that’s where I would lean.”

At the conference, Carlson’s warm-up acts were Kim Reynolds, Iowa’s governor, and Chuck Grassley, the longest-serving US senator in Iowa history, both of whom lauded the supreme court’s decision to end the constitutional right to abortion.
Taking the stage in a dark blue jacket, blue checkered shirt, blue-and-yellow striped tie and grey slacks, Carlson gave a 42-minute speech that ticked some of the boxes of a typical would-be candidate.
There was personal biography (“I was super unpopular in sixth grade because I had exactly the same views that I have now.”), compliments to the hosts (“Think I’ve been to all 99 of your counties.”) and swipes at the Democrats (“The other side is so menacing and so scary at this point.”).
Carlson also sought to clean up past comments that could be used against him. He has been widely condemned for voicing support for Russia in its war on Ukraine as well as for Hungary’s authoritarian leader Viktor Orbán.
“I’m not a Putin defender, despite what you may have heard,” he said. “I don’t care one way or the other because he’s not my president. He doesn’t preside over my country and what he does in Ukraine, while I think historically significant, certainly significant to Ukrainians, is not more significant to me than what gas costs. In fact it’s not even in the same universe.”
There was a ripple of applause. Carlson continued: “The rising price of fossil fuels is not an inconvenience. It’s the whole story. ... Cheap energy, cheap fossil fuels make the difference between living in the Central African Republic and Des Moines.”
He also bore some stylistic similarities to Trump in digressive, meandering remarks, sometimes with flashes of sardonic humour, that were more evocative of a man venting in a bar late at night than a politician reading from a teleprompter. Noting how Iowans have long been besieged by eager candidates, Carlson quipped: “I cannot even imagine being in my boxer shorts and, like, bumping into Beto O’Rourke.”
But he admitted that he is “no Bible scholar” and gave no hint of joining that throng as he expressed surprise at being invited to address the conference, saying: “Then I thought, no, actually, I’m the perfect person to come up here because I can give you advice for how to assess the sweaty people begging for your vote. Because if there’s one group I know well, it’s politicians.”
He argued that Republicans should choose a candidate who pays attention to voters’ core concerns, such as the welfare of their children, and who does not care what the New York Times thinks. Carlson’s speech went in esoteric directions, including reactionary gripes about modern architecture and an encounter with an underground bees’ nest.

The TV host took familiar potshots at women who have abortions and transgender athletes before concluding: “Twitter isn’t real, OK? It’s the domain of super unhappy people with empty personal lives and creepy political agendas. What matters to you is what matters to you and you have every right, in fact you have a constitutional duty, to tell your representative to represent you on those issues.”
The room erupted in whoops and applause from the conservative, overwhelmingly white audience that included many regular viewers of Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Jim Hawkins, 77, retired from a career in education, said: “He is probably one of the more fearless people to expose many of the false truths. It’s very obvious that our press has a bias that leans toward liberalism.”
At first Hawkins was skeptical about Carlson running for president but then appeared to warm to the idea, saying, “He would certainly outshine many of the people who would run against him through his intellect, his exposure to a variety of things. I could get behind that but he would leave a void in what he’s doing now.”
Kyle Danilson, 16, wearing a white “Tucker Carlson” cap on sale in the lobby for $30, alongside water bottles for $20, said he had been watching Carlson’s show since he was 14. “He’s probably the number one reporter in conservative media,” Danilson remarked. “I agree with 75% of everything he says.
“If he wanted to run for president he’d have the platform but I don’t think he should or would. He’s more one to promote somebody else instead of promoting himself.”
Mary Jane Kolars, 71, watches Carlson’s show – widely condemned by fact checkers for spreading false conspiracy theories – every night.
“I like that he’s honest,” she said. “He’s exposing a lot of corruption in our country and he’s not afraid to talk about what’s really going on behind the scenes.”
But the retired substitute teacher and church secretary added: “I wouldn’t want him to run for president; I want Trump to. Tucker Carlson has his place and he’s gifted in that area. I don’t think he’s gifted in running a country or dealing with foreign countries and making deals like Trump can make deals.”
Cindy Manning, 62, a teacher who watches the show almost every night, added: “He could run for president. I don’t know if that’s in his interest at all but he would make a good candidate. He does lack some things that he would need but he would just have to surround himself with people that would help him.”

Democrats appear poised to end the first-in-the-nation status of their Iowa caucuses but Republicans are expected to maintain the tradition. Potential 2024 contenders including former vice-president Mike Pence, ex-secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Senator Tom Cotton have been making visits to the Hawkeye state.
Some observers suggest that Carlson, who was born to a wealthy family in San Francisco and attended a prestigious boarding school in Rhode Island, would struggle to appeal to Iowa’s conservative rural areas.
Storm Lake Times newspaper editor Art Cullen said: “It seems to me like Tom Cotton or Mike Pence is much more a fit for Iowa than, say, Tucker Carlson, a guy who used to wear a bow tie and natty suits and everything. He shows up in Des Moines and Tom Cotton shows up in that little dinky town where there’s a lot of evangelicals.”
Carlson’s brand of white nationalism would not necessarily be a vote winner here, Cullen added, saying, “There was a lot of anti-immigrant sentiment stirred up by the likes of former congressman Steve King. But there isn’t the kind of overt racism in Iowa that you’ll see in other places. It’s a much subtler form of racism so I don’t know if overt appeals are going to be that attractive.”
Carlson has described impoverished immigrants as making America “poorer, dirtier, and more divided” and dismissed people protesting the police murder of George Floyd in 2020 as “criminal mobs”. He has also sown doubts about coronavirus vaccines and claimed without evidence that the January 6 Capitol insurrection was a government “false flag” operation.
All told, his Iowa trip is unlikely to quell speculation that he could seek the Republican nomination.
Democratic National Committee adviser Kurt Bardella said: “Tucker Carlson is someone who is very smart, a gifted performer, and would embody the absolute worst impulses of the Republican party come to life.
“He would in many ways become the living embodiment of the white grievances that seem to have overrun the platform of the Republican party. When you tune into his programming every night, really it is the white grievance hour.”
Bardella, a former Republican congressional aide, added: “The white nationalist element within the party has grown larger and larger and more vocal and influential and visible. That would be a natural launching pad and constituency for a Tucker Carlson presidential bid.
“In many ways, think of Tucker Carlson as a more polished Steve Bannon. Just right out of central casting, someone who embodies all the destructive elements that Steve Bannon represents but in a much more presentable and polished way.”
Tucker Carlson is making his play to be the post-Trump MAGA champion
Tucker Carlson is making his play to be the post-Trump MAGA champion - The Washington Post
At some point after Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2015 but before he started racking up primary victories, I was part of a panel on a Fox News program guest-hosted by Tucker Carlson. (He began anchoring his own show shortly after the 2016 election.) I don’t remember the topic of conversation but, like most political talk shows in that era, Trump was no doubt a prominent subject.
As I was leaving the set during the commercial break, some part of the conversation continued. Carlson asked me a question: Did I think there were more Trump Republicans or more Republicans loyal to then-House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)? I fell back on what polling indicated, which was that there were likely more of the latter. Carlson scoffed dismissively — and deservedly.
I’ve thought about that exchange regularly over the past four years. Carlson, a veteran of conservative media well before getting a prime-time opinion show on Fox, had a keen sense of where the Republican base was and where it was heading. Even as the Trump era unfolded, Carlson maintained a unique space in that right-wing information ecosystem, often critical of Trump, if only for short durations, and more willing than his peers to challenge Trump when given an opportunity to speak with him. Carlson has been obviously sympathetic to Trump’s positions on immigration, to sugarcoat things a bit, but he is also aware that Trump’s rhetoric on helping working people has often clashed with the president’s economic policies.
Since Trump lost his reelection bid, Fox News broadly has undergone an interesting transition. Its insistence on reporting that Trump had in fact lost pushed a number of viewers further into the right-wing muck, where One America News would tell them whatever nonsense they wanted to hear. Fox appears to be interested in chasing those viewers to some extent, rejiggering its evening lineup to create another opinion show at 7 p.m. At the outset, it will be helmed by “Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade. He is not always obsequious in his interactions with Trump, but he has a demonstrated and impressive record of sycophancy to the president and his base. A solid B+, at least.
But Carlson’s position has also strengthened. After the election, Carlson announced that Fox News was “working on a project to expand the amount of reporting and analysis we do in this hour across other parts of the company.” Sure enough, Fox News’s ostensible “news” shows began picking up segments and interviews that had run the prior evening on Carlson’s program. Over the past two months, he has become a much more visible presence at the network.
During the Trump era, conservative and right-wing media have fractured into three groups. The largest is the group scrambling to demonstrate its Trumpiness to the president’s pool of millions of engaged supporters. Another group has rejected the Republican Party entirely, nestling in mainstream or even left-wing media over on-screen descriptors identifying them as former members of the right. Then there’s the third group, into which Carlson largely falls: those who responded to Trump not by embracing him but by instead largely training fire at Democrats and the actual or perceived political left. His show’s website positions itself not as a voice of the right but, instead, as being “the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think.”
On Wednesday night, Carlson welcomed another member of that splinter onto his show. Fox News’s Brit Hume, unlike people such as Kilmeade, has spent the past two months offering criticisms of Trump’s crusade against the results of the election while focusing instead on attacking the media, Democrats and other members of the nebulously bounded group of “elites.”
The two were discussing the second impeachment of Trump, with Hume relegating the president to the political trash heap.
“He's a dead duck politically,” Hume said, calling the impeachment “overkill” as a result. But he conceded that Trump had perhaps nonetheless committed an impeachable offense.
“All that stuff he said for weeks on end after the election, that he’d won it in a landslide and that it was all stolen from him and that Mike Pence had the authority — which he most certainly did not — of reversing the result at the last minute last week,” Hume said, “that was, that was utter balderdash, and he fed it into the veins of his supporters, and one could make a pretty good case that that’s part of what got them into a fever that led to last week’s events.”
Carlson largely nodded along. After all, he, too, had been critical of some of Trump’s most outrageous assertions, even helping to bury then-Trump attorney Sidney Powell’s ridiculous vote-hacking theories by noting on-air that she had no evidence to bolster her claims. Neither he nor Hume targeted the network on which they were appearing for its role in spreading many of the same false claims. Instead, ever focused, Carlson brought things back around to his real target: The Democrats didn’t even try to make the case for impeachment.
The most important part of Carlson’s commentary, though, involved both celebrating Trump’s base for its wisdom — and assuring that base that it needed a new champion. He disparaged the idea that impeaching Trump would weaken his base’s support for the president.
“Who does your average Republican voter trust more? Donald Trump or the many people who hate Donald Trump? Donald Trump or [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell? Donald Trump or CNN?” Carlson asked. “Come on. You know the answer. It’s not complicated.”
He went on to criticize the GOP for acquiescing to any fight over Trump at this point.
“At no point does it seem to have occurred to McConnell or any of these sort of geniuses clustered around him is that what’s really at stake is not the future of Donald Trump — he’s elderly and retiring next week — but instead the future of his voters. Tens of millions of them,” Carlson said. He claimed that those voters’ identification as Trump supporters would soon lead to their ostracization from American society.
But his most telling comments came later in the show.
“Why is it so hard for Republicans on the Hill, who’ve been locked in this bizarre, sadomasochistic relationship with Trump for four years, to say what’s true for a lot of people?” Carlson said. “Look, you know, Trump? Complicated, lots of views — I don’t care. He’s leaving next week.”
“What I care about are his voters,” he continued. “I care about the country, the people who voted for him for a reason that probably had nothing to do with him, but had to do with the mismanagement of the country by the people in charge of it. Where’s their defender? Sincerely?”
This is Carlson’s sweet spot: refusing to accept Trump as a monolith while advocating overtly for those who strongly support the president. It’s unfolding rhetoric like Wednesday night’s that has prompted any number of articles speculating on whether Carlson could or hopes to be the next Republican presidential nominee. Perhaps it’s just a savvy play to retain viewers. But, perhaps, it’s more calculating than that.
Ask yourself this question: Is there any recent history of a Republican firebrand, one for whom race sits at the center of politics, moving from TV to the White House? Or, put another way, are there more Carlson Republicans or more McConnell Republicans?
Come on. You know the answer. It’s not complicated.