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www.wikipedia.org and it's all-powerful multi-billion-dollar Wiki Media Foundation and its senior lead counsel Charles Mehrtens Roslof, are all of a sudden desperate to sabotage the INL Group's $5 billion sale of all its websites, domain names, book and film publishing rights and its other media assets, by trying to destroy the INL News Group's www.wikipediaexposed.org website from the world wide web, which was launched three and a half years ago in April, 2019, and its access to any of its around 50-year media historical media files on its internal GoDaddy Server
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Wikimedia Foundation's Mission Statement
"Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge"
So why is Wikimedia Foundation using their almost unlimited power and influence quietly backed by the all-powerful Google, who some say are their unofficial partners of Wikimedia Foundation, putting pressen truths and informaationure on GoDaddy, the hosted of the INL News Group's www.wikipediaexposed.org domain name and website, and stop any access to any of the INL News Group's internal extensive value historical media research files attached to the INL News Group's www.wikipediaexposed.org domain name and website on GoDaddy Servers, and try to sabotage the sale $5 billion sale of the INL News Group's domain names and websites, book and film assets and rights and other media assets to an Indian Non-Profit Group of funders with very deep pockets who have similar aims as Wikimedia Foundation as well aim to expose many hidden truths, information and opinions that mainstream media and information websites and other mainstream media outlets do not talk or write about and go out of their way to hide from the general public
Up to $5 billion damages caused by alleged trademark breach wrongfully claimed by Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation
Up to $5 billion damages caused by alleged trademark breach wrongfully claimed by Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation for blocking INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account and suspending the INL News Group's website www.wikipediaexposed. org from the Internet, known as the world wide web
Charles Mehrtens Roslof
Contact me
Pronouns: they/them, he/him
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
1 Montgomery St Ste 1600
San Francisco, CA, 94104-5516
About me
I joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a legal counsel in February 2016, after having previously worked on the legal team as an intern and as the Intellectual Property & Internet Law Fellow.
I received my law degree from Harvard Law School, where I was Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender and a writer and performer for the law school comedy musical. I received my bachelor's degree from Georgetown University, where I majored in computer science and minored in linguistics and Japanese.
Among the other things that interest and entertain me are: television, craft beer, food, sci-fi & fantasy, music, video games, and queer theory.
My work
I oversee the Wikimedia trademark portfolio, including trademark registration, enforcement, and licensing. I work with the General Counsel/Secretary to support the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. I also provide legal advice and support to Wikimedia Foundation staff working on grantmaking, fundraising, and the Wikimedia affiliate system. Occasionally, I work on copyright, licensing, and public policy issues.
Phone: 415-839-6885 | Fax: 415-882-0495
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date | License Status | Discipline | Administrative Action |
Present | Active | ||
12/3/2015 | Admitted to the State Bar of California |
Additional Information:
Charles Mehrtens Roslof
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 839-6885
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Phone: 415-839-6885 | Fax: 415-882-0495Email: "Charles Mehrtens Roslof" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> And To:Chris, Trademark Department, GDaddy Operating Company, LLcc"Chris" < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
And To: Paul Murphy Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.And to: David Rosen Email: RosenLegalManagementGro This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Charles M. Roslof, Lead Counsel, Wikimedia Foundation"[I]t is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." – Carl SaganUser:CRoslof (WMF) - Meta (wikimedia.org)https://meta. wikimedia.org/wiki/User: CRoslof_, WMF
Charles Mehrtens RoslofContact mecroslofwikimedia.orgPronouns : they/them, he/himWikimedia Foundation, Inc.1 Montgomery St Ste 1600
San Francisco, CA, 94104-5516
Please be on notice that as a direct result of an alleged trademark breach wrongfully claimed by Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation, on behalf of Wiki Media Foundation as agent, servant or otherwise of Wiki Media Foundation made to GoDaddy to con, scare and hoodwink GoDaddy into blocking of the INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org, and suspending the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org from the Internet, known as the world wide web, has caused a $5 billion sale of the INL News Group's domains and websites, film and book publishing rights and other media and investment interests, to fall through, because it is a condition of such $5 billion sale of all the INL News Group's domains and websites, film and book publishing rights and other media and investment interests, that none of the INL News Group's domains and websites and internal GoDaddy web builder hosting accounts for the INL News Group's domain and websites are in anyway suspended from the Internet and/or are blocked from access.
The suspending of the INL News Group's www.wikipediaexposed. org website from the Internet, known as the world wide web, and blocking of the INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org, caused by a direct result of an alleged trademark breach wrongfully claimed by Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation, on behalf of Wiki Media Foundation as agent, servant or otherwise of Wiki Media Foundation made to GoDaddy to con, scare and hoodwink GoDaddy into blocking of the INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org, and suspending the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org from the Internet, has thus caused INL News Group and its owners up to $5 billion in damages.
This below message on the INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org. This message tells INL News Group that it can not access any of its internal media files and research material that has taken hundreds of thousands of hours and over 40 years to research, obtain and compile. The blocking of the INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org, has no legal or moral basis just because of an alleged trademark breach wrongfully claimed by Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation, on behalf of Wiki Media Foundation as agent, servant or otherwise of Wiki Media Foundation. The damages to the INL News Group as a result of Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation, on behalf of Wiki Media Foundation as agent, servant or otherwise of Wiki Media Foundation, hoodwinking GoDaddy into blocking INL News Group's internal GoDaddy web builder hosting account for the INL News Group's domain and website www.wikipediaexposed. org is estimated at a minimum of $25,000 per day.
There has been an unexpected error in the application. If you continue to experience this issue, please contact customer support.
Yours kindly
Paul Murphy, INL News Group's Legal and Investigative Team
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"Wikipedia exposed as a CIA disinformation front – NaturalNews.com"
Wikipedia exposed as a CIA disinformation front
Thursday, December 12, 2019 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: Big Tech, brainwashed, CIA, decept
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

(Natural News) A new report has uncovered detailed evidence about who really controls Wikipedia, and it’s not ordinary folks volunteering their time like the platform’s creators claim.
As it turns out, Wikipedia is a deep state propaganda tool masquerading as an online “encyclopedia,” and none other than the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) monitor it 24/7 to ensure that only pre-screened misinformation makes it through the censors.
While Wikipedia may have started out as something more innocent, it has since been co-opted by government spooks who quietly edit certain key entries, including those about 9/11 and the war in Iraq, to prevent the actual truth from going public.
IP logs obtained by a program known as WikiScanner, which was developed by Virgil Griffith from the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico, reveal that CIA and FBI agents are constantly making changes to Wikipedia entries as part of a covert information manipulation operation of which most everyday people are unaware.
WikiScanner data grabs show that CIA computers edited a Wikipedia entry about the 2003 invasion of Iraq, while an entry about former CIA chief William Colby was similarly altered to expand his career history and praise a Vietnam War rural pacification program he led.
Wikipedia censors about 1,000 IP addresses per DAY, says investigator
Wikipedia is also engaged in a massive censorship effort whereby it bans the IP addresses of users who try to input truth into the site that contradicts the lies being spread by the CIA and FBI.

Insiders say that Wikipedia bans upwards of 1,000 IP addresses per day, even as it claims to present “neutral,” “unbiased” information about events, people and organizations.
As we’ve also reported, long gone are the days of Wikipedia being “the people’s encyclopedia,” as the site routinely censors natural health content, as well as entries that expose the criminal racket known as Big Pharma.
It’s time to face the facts: Wikipedia is just another mainstream media outlet spreading fake news
Whether it’s the establishment “right” or the establishment “left,” Wikipedia exists to ensure that only the official narrative is put out there for mass consumption. Anything that doesn’t conform to the deep state’s version of “truth” is quickly scrubbed, often in a matter of seconds, by government jackboots who sit around all day altering Wikipedia entries as they see fit.
For the ordinary man and woman, it’s a near-impossible feat to even gain access to Wikipedia entries for the purpose of editing them, seeing as how the site has constructed a clever hierarchy process that makes it difficult to attain the same top-level privileges that the CIA and FBI have.
For all intents and purposes, Wikipedia is really just another mainstream media fake news outlet like CNN or MSNBC that spreads deep state propaganda as “facts.” The evidence is there if you’re willing to actually take a look.
“Wikipedia is part of the Establishment by all means – it’s no different from an information perspective than the CIA’s very own CNN,” reveals DisruptiveFare.com.
“So a discussion about the MSM and CNN is appropriate here. Wikipedia’s main citation, the #1 ‘news’ source and #1 most credible news organization is – you’ve guessed it – CNN … CNN is no different than the Russian Pravda (which means in Russian ‘Truth’) used during Soviet times to spread government propaganda and politically assassinate enemies of the state.”
Be sure to check out the full DisruptiveFare.com exposé on Wikipedia as republished by Zero Hedge.
You can also keep up with the latest news about mainstream media deception, including the kind being pushed by Big Tech corporations like Wikipedia, by checking out Propaganda.news.
Sources for this article include:
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 839-6885
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 415-839-6885 | Fax: 415-882-0495
Email: "Charles Mehrtens Roslof" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Trademark Department
Go Daddy Operating Company, LLC
Charles Mehrtens Roslof
Contact me
Pronouns: they/them, he/him
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
1 Montgomery St Ste 1600
San Francisco, CA, 94104-5516
About me
I joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a legal counsel in February 2016, after having previously worked on the legal team as an intern and as the Intellectual Property & Internet Law Fellow.
I received my law degree from Harvard Law School, where I was Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender and a writer and performer for the law school comedy musical. I received my bachelor's degree from Georgetown University, where I majored in computer science and minored in linguistics and Japanese.
Among the other things that interest and entertain me are: television, craft beer, food, sci-fi & fantasy, music, video games, and queer theory.
My work
I oversee the Wikimedia trademark portfolio, including trademark registration, enforcement, and licensing. I work with the General Counsel/Secretary to support the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. I also provide legal advice and support to Wikimedia Foundation staff working on grantmaking, fundraising, and the Wikimedia affiliate system. Occasionally, I work on copyright, licensing, and public policy issues.
Phone: 415-839-6885 | Fax: 415-882-0495
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
All changes of license status due to Non disciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date | License Status | Discipline | Administrative Action |
Present | Active | ||
12/3/2015 | Admitted to the State Bar of California |
Additional Information:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.odaddy.com
Please original wrongful unjust and fraudulent alleged trademark breach made by Charles Mehrtens Roslof, Senior Legal. Counsel for Wiki Media Foundation
This was responded to by my letter I have forwarded to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
GoDaddy have nor only unjustly quickly with only 24 hours warning suspended our website www.wikipediaexposed.
We expect GoDaddy to immediately reinstate access to our internal work pages for our website www.wikipediaexposed.
It seems very odd and bizarre to the INL News Group who own and run the website www.wikipediaexposed.
the domain names www.wikipediaexposed.com and website www.wikipediaexposed.net for the last around 10 years, that Charles Mehrtens Roslof
But has also been able to hoodwink Chris, the senior managing of trademark claims and disputes, into quickly suspending the internal web design working pages of the website www.wikipediaexposed.org on 24 hours notice which email was only noticed one hour before the website www.wikipediaexposed.org was suspended from being viewed on the world wide web, so the INL News Group cannot access any of their internal files and Information in the internal web design working pages of the website www.wikipediaexposed.org, which amount other th I NG is an extremely important part of the INL News Group's news, research and information library that is used every hour of a 24 hour day, 365 days a year to help the INL News Group write, research and compile news and information to be published of many other INL News Group's owned and sponsored websites. It is well known and established fact that the assets and value of a media group and an important part of its day-to-day operation, is the media group's news, research and information library.
Imagine if the INL News Group's look legal counsel wrote to the hosting company that hosted the www.wikipedia.org website with a vague, non-specific trademark or copyright complaint, demand that the wikipipedia.org website be immediately suspended on 24 hours' notice, with such notice is not likely to be seen till after the www.wikipedia.org website, was removed from being viewed on the world wide web, so no one can look at the website to check on what the alleged vague, non-specific trademark or copyright breach could, without stating clearly in such complaint what the actual trademark or copyright breach could...
Then, also demanding and making sure the website hosters and controllers of the hard drives and servers immediately, at the same time, as the www.wikipedia.org website is suspended from being viewed on the world web, completely block the managers of the whole of the www.wikipedia.org website from viewing and accessing any of internal web pages and files which are stored on the hard drives and servers. This completely stops all Wikipedia staff, researchers, editors, etc. from carrying on their work researching, writing and editing current. articles and webpages, and from carrying on their work researching, writing and editing new . articles and webpages. The whole media operation would immediately stop, once the managers of the whole of the www.wikipedia.org website are blocked by the Hosters from viewing and accessing any of the internal web pages and files which are stored on the hard drives and servers...
All because of one email from Charles Mehrtens Roslof
One cannot sue another person for an alleged defamation claim by stating that somewhere in a 500 page there is some wrongful untrue defamatory comment in the 500-page book. The legal counsel preparing and signing the particulars in the defamation statement of claim, has 5o specify the words claimed to be defamatory, and state on what paragraph and what line on a specific page of the 500-page book the alleged defamatory words are written
In such trademark dispute the hosting company, such as Godaddy, has to separate the issues involving what can be viewed by the general public on the world wide web, and what can only be viewed by the owner of the website on the internal webpage working and development section, which can not be viewed by the general public.
It is one thing for Godaddy to temporarily suspend what can be viewed by the general public on the world wide web when a person views this one particular URL web page on the www.wikipediaexposed.or
And another thing to suspend all the other pages of www.wikipediaexposed.or
At the worst,GoDaddy should have only temporary suspended this one particular URL webpage, not the whole of the www.wikipediaexposed.or
However, having said the above, GoDaddy should have requested more specific details of what the actual alleged trademark breach was on that particular Biden_Inauguration_
Then the other important issue here, is that Charles Mehrtens Roslof
The INL News Group and its website managers access to their files on the internal hard drives and server which hold such files for and on behalf of the INL News Group and its website managers of their www.wikipediaexposed.org website, has to be immediately unblocked, regardless of whether GoDaddy believe it is appropriate to continue on with its temporary suspension of the www.wikipediaexposed.org website from being viewed on the world wide web.
The INL News Group give notice that the details of this whole trademark legal dispute with Charles Mehrtens Roslof
If any person or party involved in this whole trademark legal dispute with Charles Mehrtens Roslof legal counsel for Wiki Media Foundation, on behalf of Wiki Media Foundation as agent, servant or otherwise of Wiki Media Foundation,, is unhappy about anything stated in this response to the suspension of the www.wikipediaexposed.org website from being viewed on the world wide web... being made public on the world wide web, please say so.
And also please reinstate our www.wikipediaexposed.org
We are in the process of issuing legal action for $US100 million in damages against Wiki Media Foundation and their senior counsel Charles M. Roselof for sending a wrongful fraudulent misleading letter to GoDaddy to wrongfully scare and frighten GoDaddy into quickly suspending the www.wikipediaexposed.org
Plus all these letters and correspondence of this legal dispute between the INL News Group and Wiki Media Foundation and court documents being filed will be published on the world wide web for the general public to decide who is wrong or right.
Yours kindly
Paul Murphy, INL News Group's Legal and Investigative Team
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In reference to wikipediaexposed.org:
Dear Customer,
We have received a complete Trademark complaint alleging that trademark infringement is taking place on your hosted site. This notification was submitted pursuant to GoDaddy's Trademark Infringement Policy, which can be found here:
In accordance with this policy, as well as the hosting agreement you consented to upon purchase of the service, we will need to suspend this hosting account if this matter cannot resolved by removing this content within the next 24 hours or submitting a complete counter notification as described in the policy.
You have two options at this point:
In order to resolve this situation and avoid suspension of your site you will need to completely remove the content that is the subject of the trademark complaint.
If you feel that this complaint has been made in error and you wish to contest the claim, you will need to submit a complete counter notification. As part of the process, we will suspend your hosting for 10 to 14 business days following the receipt of a valid Counter Notification. Let us know if you require further information and/or instructions on how to file a counter notification.
Please understand that as a web hosting provider, we are not able to make legal determinations as to who is right or wrong in an infringement claim.
Let us know if you have any other questions at this time.
Kindest Regards,
Trademark Department
Go Daddy Operating Company, LLC
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Caution: This email is from an external sender. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Forward suspicious emails to isitbad@.
Dear GoDaddy,
Wikimedia Foundation holds exclusive worldwide rights to all Wikimedia names and trademarks. Our marks are protected around the world under U.S. and international trademark law.
Wikimedia Foundation offers its products and services through websites including wikipedia.org, wikim
US Registration Nos. 3,040,722; 3,505,429; 4,780,015 (WIKIPEDIA)
Madrid Protocol Registration Nos. IR839132, IR907474, IR1239634 (WIKIPEDIA)
According to various WHOIS sources, you are the Internet Service Provider to the following domain(s):
Domain: ....... wikipediaexposed.org
IP Address: ...
Infringing URLs:
URL: ..... https://nam10.safelinks.
Landing URL: ..... https://nam10.safelinks.
This site uses Wikimedia Foundation's trademark(s) on its site without authorization. This use falsely suggests Wikimedia Foundation sponsorship or endorsement of the website and violates Wikimedia Foundation's exclusive rights. The website also violates your acceptable use policy as an Internet Service Provider.
We informed the registrant of our complaint, but were not able to resolve this issue. In addition to the legal action Wikimedia Foundation, may take against the registrant, we request that you immediately suspend the site from publication for the offenses outlined above.
I am providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that rights my company owns are being infringed. Under penalty of perjury I certify that the information contained in the notification is both true and accurate, and I have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the trademark(s) and copyright(s) involved.
Should you wish to discuss this further please contact me at the email address below.
Charles Mehrtens Roslof
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 839-6885
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 8:59 PM
Subject: RE:Fwd: wikipediaexposed.org Trademark Dispute - LEGO-2096
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for your emails, we have forwarded this on to our team and will be back in touch with you shortly.
Wikimedia Brand Protection
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sent: 03 Nov 2022 11:22 PM
To: trademarkclaims@godaddy.
Subject: Fwd: wikipediaexposed.org
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please original wrongful unjust and fraudulent alleged trademark breach made my Charles Mehrtens Roslof, Senior Legal. Counsel for Wiki Media Foundation
This was responded to by my letter I have forwarded to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.8
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
GoDaddy have not only unjustly quickly with only 24 hours warning suspended our website www.wikipediaexposed.
We expect GoDaddy to immediately reinstate access to our internal work pages for our website www.wikipediaexposed.
And also please reinstate our www.wikipediaexposed.org
We are in the process of issuing legal action for $US100 million in damages against Wiki Media Foundation and their senior counsel Charles Mehrtens Roslof for sending a wrongful fraudulent misleading letter to GoDaddy to wrongfully scare and frighten GoDaddy into quickly suspending the www.wikipediaexposed.org
Plus, all these letters and correspondence of this legal dispute between the INL News Group and Wiki Media Foundation and court documents being filed will be published on the world wide web for the general public to decide who is wrong or right.
Yours kindly
Paul Murphy, INL News Group's Legal and Investigative Team
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No Such Thing As An Objective Journalist: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Listen to a reading of this article:
I feel like we haven’t been talking enough about the fact that US government agencies were just caught intimately collaborating with massive online platforms to censor content in the name of regulating the “cognitive infrastructure” of society. The only way you could be okay with the US government appointing itself this authority would be if you believed the US government is an honest and beneficent entity that works toward the benefit of the common man. Which would of course be an unacceptable thing for a grown adult to believe.
It’s still astonishing that we live in a world where our rulers will openly imprison a journalist for telling the truth and then self-righteously bloviate about the need to stop authoritarian regimes from persecuting journalists.
Look at this scumbag:
Look at him. Can you believe this piece of shit? The gall. The absolute gall.
There is no such thing as unbiased journalism. If someone tells you they are unbiased they are either knowingly lying, or they are so lacking in self-awareness that you should not listen to them anyway.
The divide is not between biased journalists and unbiased journalists, it’s between journalists who are honest and transparent about their biases and journalists who are not. There are no unbiased journalists. There are no unbiased people. You’re either honest about this or you’re not.
Of course journalists should try to be as fair and honest as they can. It’s just the epitome of childlike naivety to believe that western mainstream journalists do this.
Reporters who support the mainstream worldview are just as biased as reporters from Russian or Chinese state media; they espouse a peculiar perspective and concrete interests and agendas. The problem is the mainstream worldview is so normalized it looks like impartial reality, so you’ll get mainstream western journalists speaking disdainfully of Julian Assange or The Grayzone or whoever because those people have biases and agendas, as though they themselves have no biases or agendas and are nothing other than impartial arbiters of absolute reality.
Which is plainly ridiculous. The worldview which facilitates the abuses of oligarchy and empire and the status quo politics which serves as their vehicle is anything but impartial. It’s not even sane. But because it’s been normalized by propaganda it looks like baseline reality.
The only reason the mainstream worldview is mainstream is because the world’s most powerful people have poured a tremendous amount of money into making it mainstream. That’s the one and only reason. It’s not the moderate perspective, it’s just the most funded and marketed perspective.
All journalists have biases, and all journalists have agendas. It’s just that most of them have the mundane agenda of becoming esteemed and well-known, and the easiest way to do that is to espouse the mainstream worldview where the tide of propaganda can carry you to shore.
The easiest way to become rich and famous in news media is to promote the interests of the rich and powerful people who own and influence the news media. The easiest way to become reviled and marginalized is to attack those interests. Your values determine which path you choose.
There’s no such thing as a Hollywood ending.
There’s no such thing as an objective journalist.
There’s no such thing as a moral billionaire.
There’s no such thing as a humanitarian intervention.
There’s no such thing as an honest war.
People should learn all this in grade school.
Who understands that narrative control is power? Empire managers. Plutocrats. Propagandists. Smearmeisters. Manipulators. Abusers. Cult leaders. Bullies.
Who does not understand that narrative control is power? Pretty much everyone else.
This is the source of most problems.
Platforms censoring hate speech is not the same as platforms censoring political speech and speech which criticizes the agendas of the powerful. Censoring hate speech is done to benefit the platform’s profit margins; censoring political speech is done to benefit powerful government agencies. You can make slippery slope arguments, but they’re not equal, and they’re not similar.
You can argue with the reality that for-profit platforms will always censor the most repellent forms of speech in order to prevent their audiences from being driven from the platform, but that is reality. And it is very different from censoring on behalf of US alphabet agencies. If what you want is a platform where all legal forms of expression are allowed, then for-profit platforms are not a good vehicle for that. Perhaps you want a nationalized social media platform funded by taxpayers with robust speech protections built into its terms of use.
There’s a massive difference between a platform banning speech which makes that platform a gross place that nobody wants to hang out at and a platform banning the way people talk about a war or a virus because government agencies told them to. It’s unhelpful to conflate the two.
And the conflation goes both ways. People who just want to spew hate will pretend to care about fighting the power, and the powerful who want to censor the internet to suppress inconvenient speech will pretend to care about stopping hate. It’s important to be aware of these obfuscations.
There’s a night and day difference between people who oppose censorship because they don’t want the powerful controlling human speech and people who oppose censorship because they want to say ethnic slurs. They’re not the same. A good tool for making these distinctions is to examine whether the agenda punches down or punches up. If it seeks to suppress speech on behalf of the powerful or harm disempowered communities, it’s punching down.
Nobody’s ever been able to answer this question: if Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine had nothing to do with western provocations, how come so many western experts spent years warning that the west’s actions would provoke Russia to invade Ukraine?
Ukraine is a far more celebrated and aggressively defended centerpiece of hawkish American fanaticism than Israel ever was.
If you find yourself rushing to defend the foreign policy of the most militarily, economically and culturally dominant nation on earth, ask yourself why that is. Ask whom that impulse benefits. Ask how that impulse came upon you. Ask if it could have been put there by propaganda.
It is false to claim that capitalism, competition and greed are “human nature”. I cite as my source for this claim the fact that I am human. The truth is that those who claim capitalism, competition and greed are “human nature” are not actually telling you anything about human nature. They are telling you about their own nature.
And it isn’t even really accurate to call it their “nature”; it’s just their conditioning. And we can all change our conditioning. The only people who deny this are those who haven’t sincerely tried to yet.
One reason I publish poetry and share insights about philosophy and spirituality on top of my political and foreign policy commentary is because as the information ecosystem gets more polluted it’s not enough to tell people what you think, you’ve got to show them who you are. As more and more energy goes into distorting and manipulating public understanding of the world, it becomes more necessary to bare your soul to the furthest extent possible so people can decide on their own whether you’re the kind of person they want to pay attention to.
People are very distrusting in today’s environment, and rightly so; we swim in an ocean of lies. You can get around that distrust by manipulating people into thinking you’re trustworthy, or you can do it by taking transparency to the furthest extent possible and letting yourself be fully seen so that people can make up their own minds about you for themselves.
I can’t promise that I’ll always get everything right or that I’ll always be seeing things the most clearly, but I can promise to always be honest and to always be running on maximum transparency about who I am, where I’m coming from, and what my biases and agendas are.
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