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Glen Kealy
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Murder Of Glen Kealey - 2019 Glen Kealy Conference
How To Commit Murder by Jennifer Ann Kealey
First, Glen Kealey's border, Tom Bybridge was murdered at Kemptville District Hospital vy the use of poison they keep on their premises, I was illegally removed from Canada without a judge's order and no warrant issued by the OPP. The OPP passed onto our property and assaulted, battered and kidnapped me, and turned me over to the CSBA, who follow directions from outside Canada, and state they are the Government of Canada (see Syria, Lebanon and Iran).
Followed by hydro one, fraudulently generating phone bills for thousands of dollars and using it to shut off the electricity to the house. Then transferring this bill to Hydro, from the pole in the back field and shutting the electricity off.
Then in June, 2019, $900 was stolen out of Glen Kealey's Pension on a monthly basis so:
1. Removal of source of income
2. Removal of wife caregiver
3. Removal of hear, light, ability to cook and store food, stopping any running water and stop toilet working or being able to pump water away from the house which was being damaged by the bad weather
4. Removal of money for food.
The Cover Up is that Glen Kealy was falsely alleged to having liver cancer, when the truth is that Glen Kealy was being poisoned ...
Please read more of this story lower down on this webpage
Glen Kealey
Glen Kealey Canadian Institute For Political Integrity
And Louis Lesosky Part1
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 1A
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 2A
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 3A
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 4A
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 5A
Glen Kealey Interview With Desert Owl Part 6A
Glen Kealey Workshop Part 1
Glen Kealey Workshop Part 2
Glen Kealey Workshop Part 3
How To Commit Murder by Jennifer Ann Kealey
First, Glen Kealey's border, Tom Bybridge was murdered at Kemptville District Hospital vy the use of poison they keep on their premises, I was illegally removed from Canada without a judge's order and no warrant issued by the OPP. The OPP passed onto our property and assaulted, battered and kidnapped me, and turned me over to the CSBA, who follow directions from outside Canada, and state they are the Government of Canada (see Syria, Lebanon and Iran).
Followed by hydro one, fraudulently generating phone bills for thousands of dollars and using it to shut off the electricity to the house. Then transferring this bill to Hydro, from the pole in the back field and shutting the electricity off.
Then in June, 2019, $900 was stolen out of Glen Kealy's Pension on a monthly basis so:
1. Removal of source of income
2. Removal of wife caregiver
3. Removal of hear, light, ability to cook and store food, stopping any running water and stop toilet working or being able to pump water away from the house which was being damaged by the bad weather
4. Removal of money for food.
The Cover Up is that Glen Kealy was falsely alleged to having liver cancer, when the truth is that Glen Kealy was being poisoned ...
The OPP showed up on our property on Wednesday 27th November, 2019, along with the Fire Department, a social worked from Kemptville- Brockville and Sue Runciman from the OPP, leading them all.
Glen Kealy was told if he didn't go to hospital, he would be arrested, so Glen felt he had no choice but to agree to go to hospital ... so he agreed to go with them to hospital.
The presence of Kun Little form Morree and re retired employee of Shared Services, Canada, was apparently required. Sue Runciman this man an email that Glen had been diagnosed with Liver Cancer before official diagnosis was made .. and still not made ,, Glen had requested a formal diagnosis and test for live cancer but it was never done.... Glen was being drugged..
Then a friend, who was worried about the situation tried to get support via home visits for seniors equals (=) an outfit connected to Kemptville District Hospital ---- they did nothing...
Then a social worked accompanied by OPP. Sue Runciman started showing up.
They promised Glen an outfit called Ventun Services would show up, get Glen a tent to live in, and help to get Glen into town to pay his bills and get laundry done... this never happened..
What they did ws bring food and some items were unlabeled and Glen did not know what these items food were... These unlabeled tasted odd to Glen.
Some taxi drivers had brought Glen some food, as well interest to investigators is the food brought by Ray of Kemptville Taxi Service. When Glen began accepting their food from these people, Glen began to get sick.
Glen Kealey On The Farm In Conversation Part 1
Glen Kealey On The Farm In Conversation Part 2
Glen Kealey On The Farm In Conversation Part 3
Glen Kealey On The Farm In Conversation Part 4
Glen Kealey On The Farm In Conversation Part 5
P.O.Box 774, KemPTville, Ontario, Canada KOG 1J0 |
Tel. (613) 258-2893 Fax. (613) 258-0015 email:| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.| |
When I finally woke up I took a look around. I saw city halls, courthouses, houses of government, churches, schools, and universities by the hundreds and thousands. I saw systems systems for managing the land, the air, and the water; systems for managing human behavior; systems for managing religion; systems for managing learning; systems for managing food, shelter, clothing; systems for managing love and procreation: a vast complex of carefully engineered systems. I saw millions of people working, not for themselves, but for someone else. I saw millions of people doing, not what they themselves want to do, but what someone else wants them to do. I saw the depressing evidence of a people who have externalized and institu- tionalized-in fact, have tried to standardize-the very nature of humanity. I saw a whole people whove lost the way of life and in its place have built a technological monster which does most of their hard work, carries their water, delivers their food, raises their kids, makes their decisions, says their prayers, transports them, informs them, entertains them, and controls the people it serves, absolutely. I also saw that the monster, seemingly unable to manage itself, was running wild, totally out of visible control, ripping the land to pieces, spreading poisons, filling the air with filth, dumping garbage and shit in the rivers and lakes and oceans. I saw all that, and I saw the people, millions of them, crowded together in cities, living side by side in towns, villages, rural areas. But I didnt see a single community. Is someone doing all of this on purpose ?
Educated : by the SYSTEM 1942 to 1987 - First wife, 1 girl & 3 boys
Awakening : 1987 to 1998 - Second wife 1994/98, (divorced 2002)
Self-educated : 1995 to 2002
SculPTor/Teacher : of Ultimate Reality : 2000 to Present
On Saturday night's program, Gordon Thomas, author of Secret Wars and Gideon's Spies, joined Ian for a discussion on international intelligence matters.
Thomas shared breaking news from Britain's MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies about the possibility of attacks by terrorists during the upcoming G20 summit. Thomas said the threats against the UK are at the "top end of severe," which means an "attack is coming." According to Thomas, Britain is home to the largest number of homegrown jihadists in the world, trained and ready to launch Mumbai-style attacks when the G20 nations meet on April 2 in London. Preventing the attack may prove difficult, Thomas explained, as MI5 officials have been bogged down by spies from France and Germany sent into the country to bribe key workers in sensitive jobs who are having financial troubles.
Thomas reported on a ruthless group of government assassins known as Company 14, who he said are hunting down members of the IRA responsible for killing two British soldiers and a policeman in Northern Ireland. He also commented on the death of Dr. David Kelly. The position of his body, suspicious phone calls, and other puzzling details surrounding his apparent suicide suggest the weapons expert may have been murdered for his assessment of Iraq's WMD program, Thomas noted.
Nor did he cover the spying and continuing attempts of the U.K. for over 100 years to control and subjugate the U.S.A.
Evidence points to breakdown in US / UK Relations
Related Link on the history of the "Special Relationship"
Webster G. Tarpley Debunks Pearl Harbor Myths (Amongst Other Things)
Something interesting : British Security Coordination (Propaganda) Spy Ring in the U.S. prior to Pearl Harbor 2006/aug/19/military. secondworldwar
It was 1940, the Nazis were in the ascendant, the Blitz at its deadliest, and Britain's last hope was to bring a reluctant United States into the war. So it was that the largest covert operation in UK history was launched. William Boyd sheds light on a forgotten spy ring.
William Boyd
The Guardian, Saturday 19 August 2006
"British Security Coordination". The phrase is bland, almost defiantly ordinary, depicting perhaps some sub-committee of a minor department in a lowly Whitehall ministry. In fact BSC, as it was generally known, represented one of the largest covert operations in British spying history; a covert operation, moreover, that was run not in Occupied France, nor in the Soviet Union during the cold war, but in the US, our putative ally, during 1940 and 1941, before Pearl Harbor and the US's eventual participation in the war in Europe against Nazi Germany.
One easily forgets this, in the era of our much-vaunted, so-called "special relationship", but at the nadir of Britain's fortunes, polls in the US still showed that 80% of Americans were against joining the war in Europe. Anglophobia was widespread and the US Congress was violently opposed to any form of intervention.
.... read the rest..
This article appears in the August 12, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Larry Franklin Case:
AIPAC Leaders Snared
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On Aug. 4, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Paul McNulty, announced the indictment of two former top officials of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), on charges of "conspiracy to communicate national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it." The same indictment included new espionage charges against Pentagon desk officer and Air Force Reserve Colonel Lawrence Franklin, who has already been indicted in the Eastern District, as well as in West Virginia.
The two "ex"-AIPAC officials are Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman. Since 1982, Rosen has been AIPAC's Director of Foreign Policy Issues. Since 1993, Weissman has been Senior Middle East Analyst at AIPAC.
Before coming to work for AIPAC, Rosen had been employed from 1978-82 at the RAND Corporation. During that period, he worked on contract projects for the Central Intelligence Agency, and had top-level security clearances. Thus, Rosen signed written secrecy agreements with the U.S. government that remained binding after he went to work for AIPAC.
Far-Flung Espionage Network
The new indictments, which have been anticipated for several months, unveil an Israeli espionage network that has been functioning since at least April 1999, involving a number of Pentagon officials beyond Franklin, as well as at least three officials of the Israeli Embassy and a former senior Mossad officer, Uzi Arad, who now heads Israel's premier national security think-tank, the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center.[/color]
U.S. intelligence officials have told EIR that the AIPAC/Franklin case reveals a new modus operandi, adopted by Israel intelligence, in the aftermath of the disastrous Jonathan Pollard spy scandal of the mid-1980s. Pollard, a Naval intelligence analyst, was caught pilfering thousands of classified Pentagon and CIA documents and passing them on to an Israeli intelligence unit headed by former Mossad European operations director Rafi Eytan, a close ally of current Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
As the result of the blowback from the Pollard affair, according to the U.S. intelligence sources, Israel shifted its espionage operations targetted at the United States to think-tanks and lobbying organizations like AIPAC, which have ongoing "legitimate" contacts with American government officials.
What the Israelis and the AIPAC spooks did not anticipate was that their operations would be closely scrutinized by the FBI and other U.S. agencies, for at least the past six years, revealing numerous instances where the "legitimate" contacts crossed over into hard espionage.
The 26-page indictment is, in fact, a catalogue of scores of instances of classified information being passed from Pentagon officials to the two AIPAC men, on to Israeli Embassy personnel.
Franklin apparently walked into an ongoing FBI counterintelligence surveillance of Rosen and Weissman, when he held his first meeting with the two men on Feb. 12, 2003. According to the indictment, phone conversations that Rosen had en route to the first meeting with Franklin, were monitored by the FBI. From Feb. 12, 2003 until July 9, 2004, Franklin had dozens of phone discussions and meetings with the two AIPAC officials, and on at least one occasion, faxed a document from his Pentagon office to Rosen's home.
In June 2004, FBI agents confronted Franklin with evidence of his espionage activities, and Franklin agreed to cooperate with the government. His subsequent meetings with the two AIPAC officials were all controlled by the FBI, until Aug. 3, when the FBI visited both Rosen and Weissman. According to the indictment, even after the FBI visits, Rosen and Weissman continued to pass classified data provided by Franklin to select U.S. journalists and even to Israeli embassy officials.
Franklin's Network
Lawrence Franklin had his own problems with his dealings with Israeli intelligence officials, even before his assignment to the Pentagon in early 2001 as Iran desk officer at the Near East South Asia policy office, under Assistant Secretary of Defense Douglas Feith and Deputy Assistant Secretary William Luti, a transplant from the Office of Vice President Dick Cheney.
Back in the late 1990s, as an Air Force Reserve officer, Franklin had done two tours of duty at the U.S. Embassy in Israel, in the Air Attaché's Office. On his second tour, Franklin was kicked out of the country by the Air Attaché after a few months, after repeated incidents in which he held unauthorized meetings with Israeli intelligence officials.
It may have been these Israeli connections that landed Franklin his job at NESA—or perhaps his ties to then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, who was Dean of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. when Franklin was a graduate student there.
Whatever his pathway to the Pentagon, Franklin, according to eyewitness sources, became a fixture at regular "brown bag lunches" at the private office of Doug Feith attended by leading Pentagon neo-cons, including Harold Rhode, Luti, Abraham Shulsky, Richard Perle, and occasionally Wolfowitz. Franklin's NESA boss, Luti, boasted frequently that he was working for "Scooter," a reference to Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby. (Libby, when he was not working for the government, was the personal attorney for Mossad frontman and international swindler Marc Rich. Well-informed U.S. intelligence officials believe that Rich, a Zug, Switzerland-based metal trader, was set up in business with Mossad funds.)
Franklin was also a traveling companion of Iran-Contra figure and self-professed "universal fascist" Michael Ledeen, in December 2001. Ledeen, Franklin, and Harold Rhode travelled to Rome for secret meetings with Iranian con-artist Manucher Ghorbanifar, another prominent Iran-Contra scandal figure who brokered Israeli missile sales to Iran in exchange for efforts to free American hostages in Lebanon.The scheme led to criminal indictments against a number of Reagan-Bush Administration officials and CIA officers, including Elliott Abrams and Duane Claridge.
The latest Franklin indictment threatens to snare some of these other leading neo-cons. The court papers filed in the Eastern District of Virginia identify several other Pentagon officials, along with at least three Israeli Embassy officials and Uzi Arad, as players in the extended Franklin spy operation.
The indictment of "Mr. AIPAC," Steven Rosen, also raises serious questions about the future of "America's Pro-Israel Lobby," as AIPAC's website describes the group. According to sources close to the Franklin probe, AIPAC may be forced, as a result of the Franklin case, to register as a foreign agent organization, thus losing its tax-exempt status and forcing much closer accounting of its finances and activities.
The Franklin case has not even come close to fully unraveling. And many leading Pentagon neo-cons are losing sleep over where this case will go next.
What makes matters even worse, the same basic cast of characters is tied up in the Valerie Plame Wilson leak probe, headed by independent counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, and a separate probe, headed by U.S. Attorney McNulty, into who was behind the forging of Niger government documents which purported to show that Iraq sought to buy "yellowcake" uranium from the African state to build nuclear weapons. The forged documents were used by Vice President Cheney and other Administration war hawks to win Congressional and public support for the invasion of Iraq. Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, was dispatched to Niger in 2002 to assess the validity of the Niger yellowcake charge, and returned to report that it was a hoax. His report was covered up, and the train of events was set into motion which led to his wife's "outing" as a covert CIA operative, by top Administration officials—a criminal offense.
There are allegations that the Ledeen-Rhode-Franklin trip to Rome in 2001 may have played a role in the circulation of the forged documents
Netanyahu Slaps U.S. in the Face with Spymaster Uzi Arad
March 6, 2009 (LPAC)--Israel's Prime Minister-designate Bibi Netanyahu brought the notorious spymaster Uzi Arad into the meetings with Hillary Clinton and George Mitchell, this week, reports the Israeli newspaper, Ha'aretz. Uzi Arad, is persona non grata in the United States because of his involvement with Pentagon spy, Larry Franklin, an analyst with the Office of Special Plans (OSP), the Dick Cheney-neo-conservative unit in the Pentagon that manufactured false intelligence to justify the Iraq war. Franklin was convicted in January, 2006, in a plea bargain, of stealing classified documents on Iran and other subjects from the Pentagon, and passing them on to Israeli government officials, in meetings arranged by the two top officials of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman). Arad, who is unable to come to the U.S. because of his involvement with Franklin, is reportedly going to be head of the Israeli National Security Council, Ha'aretz wrote.
Not only did Bibi include Arad in his first meeting with the top U.S. officials, but he kicked the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Sallai Meridor out the meeting. Ha'aretz reported that this insult from Netanyahu was the reason that Meridor resigned today.
Lyndon LaRouche said today that what Netanyahoo did was "a slap in the face to the U.S. And that if Netanyahoo breaks from the U.S., that represents Netanyahoo's plans for leaving earth."
And who is really behind Netanyahu? a group of fascists in London that put Dick Cheney into office.
http://intelligencenews. 107/
The other two are an authorized history (from 1909 to 1949) of MI6 by Professor Keith Jeffery, of Queen’s University, Belfast, and Gordon Thomas’ Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence, which intelNews has received and will be reviewing shortly. ... Gordon_Thomas
Thomas was born in Wales, in a cemetery keeper’s cottage where his grandmother lived. He had his first story published at nine years old in a Boys Own Paper competition. With his father in the RAF, he travelled widely and was educated at the Cairo High School, the Maritz Brothers in Port Elizabeth and, finally, at Bedford Modern.
His first book, completed at the age of seventeen, is the story of a British spy in Russia during World War Two, titled Descent Into Danger.He turned down the offer of a place at university in order to accompany a travelling fair for a year: those experiences became Bed of Nails. Since then his books have been published worldwide. He has been a foreign correspondent beginning with the Suez Crisis and ending with the first Gulf War. He was a BBC writer/producer for three flagship BBC programmes: Man Alive, Tomorrows World and Horizon. He is a regular contributor to Facta, the respected monthly Japanese news magazine, and he lectures widely on the secret world of intelligence. He also provides expert analysis on intelligence for US and European television and radio shows.[1]
His Gideon’s Spies: Mossad’s Secret Warriors became a major documentary for Channel Four that he wrote and narrated: The Spy Machine. It followed three years of research during which he was given unprecedented access to Mossad’s key personnel. The documentary was co-produced by Open Media and Israfilm[2].
Gideon’s Spies: Mossad’s Secret Warriors has so far been published in 16 languages. The main source for this book is Ari Ben-Menashe, a self-described former Mossad agent. According to Charles Foster in Contemporary Review: "Writers who know their place are few and far between: fortunately Mr Thomas is one of them. By keeping to his place as a tremendous storyteller without a preacher's pretensions, he has put his book amongst the important chronicles of the state of Israel." [2]
So he highlights what Mossad really did, but neglects to highlight the relationship of the Crown, MI6 and Mossad, and their potential Moles in the United States.
No one mentions Sykes - Picot EITHER, which is the main force behind the destabalization of the middle east right now and was the primary reason for World War I; depth/middle_east/2001/israel_ and_the_palestinians/key_ documents/1681362.stm

The Sykes-Picot agreement is a secret understanding concluded in May 1916, during World War I, between Great Britain and France, with the assent of Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.
The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French and British-administered areas. The agreement took its name from its negotiators, Sir Mark Sykes of Britain and Georges Picot of France.
Some historians have pointed out that the agreement conflicted with pledges already given by the British to the Hashimite leader Husayn ibn Ali, Sharif of Mecca, who was about to lead an Arab revolt in the Hejaz against the Ottoman rulers on the understanding that the Arabs would eventually receive a much more important share of the territory won.
US history is an interesting thing, and no one really highlights the REASON many intelligent souls traveled to the U.S.
The Reason was, Europe was infested with feudalist corruption and the idea was, the United States would be built up as a nation to keep Europe from destroying itself. Read about Benjamin Franklin, these people wanted to create a Nation free of Oligarchs and the European monetary system (Which in reality is dependence on Royal Gold Supplies for economic expansion). The European monetary system was controlled by the various royalties until the 1600's when the British Empire began to dominate more and more of Eurasia.
With the British ability to contract and limit Gold supplies, they had the ability to limit world wide growth hence, the ability to CONTROL the WORLD, by preventing any (NAVAL) force to grow stronger then theirs. Remember, in the 1700's there were no railways, NAVAL power was supreme...... So we can fastfoward to the mid 1800's when Lincoln took office, revived the Greenback and built the intercontintental railway......... what did this accomplish? it DESTROYED British control over US Trade routes by nullfying their NAVAL POWER. This lead to the industrialization of the United States into a power that even the British Empire could not tackle via conventional warfare.
The Continental Congress issued fiat currency for that exact reason as well, because the European Royalty could strangle the Nation of Currency if we were to use Gold as a currency.
Ian p. asked no hard questions that I could discern and the callers were almost praising MI5 and the UK as being our beast friends...
With this guy some of his lies are true. profiles/blog/show?id=2649739% 3ABlogPost%3A37858&page=2# comment-2649739_Comment_37912
3-22-09 Critical Red Alert in Great Britain
Talk show Host Ian Punnett of Coast to Coast announced that sources have revealed that Britain is on highest-ever terror alert! This information was confirmed by Gordon Thomas who checked with his sources in the British Intelligence who spoke of information of a mumbi attacks.He was on the air speaking with Author Gordon Thomas who was discussing the history of the British Intelligence Services when this information came in as who has ties to British MI5 agents.
Gordon Thomas wrote the book: Secret Wars: One Hundred Years of British Intelligence inside MI5 and MI6 (US Edition) Inside British Intelligence: 100 Years of MI5 and MI6 (UK Edition) These agencies rank as two of the oldest and most powerful in the world, and Thomas’s recounts the roles that British intelligence played with insider information more startling than anything out of James Bond.
Gordon Thomas also wrote the book: Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of The Mossad
which was republished to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Updating the data on events leading to the 9/11 Attacks and the aftermath.
In this book Gordon Thomas claims that; Bibi, Netanyahu's first wife, actually spied on Bill Clinton, and that Mossad had wire tapped the White House. Also that Princess Diana's driver Henry Paul was a Mossad agent.
More information to come with updates....
http://www.gordonthomas- gordonthomas.htm
The report below was published 21 May 2002 by the GLOBE-INTEL web site run by Gordon Thomas.
http://www.canadafreepress. com/writers/gordon-thomas.htm
Thomas is a recognised authority on the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, to which he is considered to have had exceptional journalistic access over the years. Thomas is the author of the book 'Gideon's Spies - The Secret History of the Mossad', which susequently became a major documentary for the UK's Channel 4 TV station. Thomas writes on intelligence subjects for the Sunday Express.
The URL of the 21 May 2002 report below by GLOBE-INTEL was http://www.gordonthomas. ie/104.html at the time of publication. The report is, however, no longer available at that address on the GLOBE-INTEL site. A mhtl copy dowloaded from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (archive date Jun 15, 2007) is available here.
The Israeli spy-ring within the United States referred to by Thomas has been separately reported on by Fox News and the intelligence journal Jane's Security News (further references are available from the web site and History Commons, 'The Complete 9/11 Timeline').
The Daily Telegraph has separately reported that Israeli intelligence had visited the CIA in August 2001 to warn of imminent terrorist attacks on America. An extract of this report is provided at the bottom of this page. A full copy of the GLOBE-INTEL report is also provided below
More information about the warnings the CIA received from the Israelis and Russians is available here. nlpwessex/Documents/ WATTenetsilence.htm
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
NUMBER :- 104 DATE :- 21/05/02
By Gordon Thomas.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorised the leak of sensitive documents which reveal America's spy agencies were warned about a terrorist strike weeks before September 11. The controversial move has now directly embroiled President George Bush in the 'how-much-did-he-know?' debate over the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Sharon's reaction is a calculated response to growing claims that Mossad has been running spy operations within the United States and also reveals a split in the special relationship between the two leaders.
Mossad chiefs insist the Israeli spy agency was tracking Osama Bin-Laden's terrorists in America before September 11 and that that the information was passed on to the CIA on Five separate occasions before the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. As late asAugust 24, less than two weeks before the attacks, a Mossad warning, confirmed by German intelligence, BND, said that "terrorists plan to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." The warning alert was passed to the CIA.
The warning was also passed to MI6. The agency made its own checks and also informed the CIA. Frustrated by its inability to alert the CIA to an impending attack, Mossad arranged on September 1, according to Tel Aviv sources last week, for Russian intelligence to warn Washington "in the strongest possible terms of imminent assaults on airports and government buildings." Mossad's fury at the failure of the US intelligence community to act has been compounded by the revelation that the Bush administration had ordered the FBI Only a Week Before the September attacks to curtail investigations on two of Osama Bin-Laden's close relatives living in the US
state of Virginia at the time.
Sharon's decision to allow the story of Bush's prior knowledge of the attack to be leaked comes at a time when Israel is smarting over what Sharon sees as Bush pressurising the Jewish state into an accommodation with Arafat.
The feeling in Tel Aviv is that Bush's much hyped war on terrorism does not actually fit into the aggressive policy Israel wants to pursue.
Sharon has already suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his archrival, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the central committee of their Likud Party ruled out the establishment of a Palestinian state last Sunday.
The party's decision, formalized in a resolution backed by Netanyahu, directly contradicted Sharon's own stated acceptance of a Palestinian state as the eventual conclusion of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. It came as Sharon faces mounting domestic and international pressure to find a way to stop more than 19 months of bloodshed and launch talks with the Palestinians.
The support he was expecting from America failed to materialise, said a source close to Mossad. "Ariel Sharon is furious because he thinks Bush has not supported him as fully as he could. His coalition is falling apart, Netanyahu has sneaked ahead of him and the Israelis are generally fed up of living in fear. Sharon is quite clear where the blame lies - in the White House. "Now he has really stirred things up byputting Bush right at the centre of this storm by actively allowing these sensitive documents to be leaked to the world. He feels he needs to teach Bush a lesson and this will certainly complicate America's peace efforts in the region," he said.
According to similar documents shown to the Sunday Express, Mossad was running a round-the-clock surveillance operation on some of the September 11 hijackers.
The details, contained in classified papers, reveal that a senior Mossad agent tipped off his counterpart in America's Central Intelligence Agency that a massive terrorist hit was being planned in the US. A handful of the spies had infiltrated the Al-Qaeda organisation while a staggering 120 others, posing as overseas art students, launched massive undercover operations throughout America.
Other documents leaked to the Sunday Express from several intelligence agencies including the Drugs Enforcement Agency show that two Mossad cells of six Egyptian and Yemeni born Jews, trained at a secret base in Israel's Negev Desert on how to penetrate Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network.
One team flew to Amsterdam and were under the control of Mossad's Europe Station. This is based at Schipol Airport within the El Al complex. They later made contact in Hamburg with Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker on September 11.
The second group flew directly to New York. From there they travelled South to Florida and infiltrated the Bin laden organisation.
In August last year, the Mossad team in Europe flew with some of the Hamburg terrorists into Boston, a month before the attack on the twin towers.
By then the Mossad team had established an attack on the US was "imminent". It reported this to its Tel Aviv controller through the Israeli Embassy in Washington using a system of secure communications. In early September Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy sent a warning to the CIA of the possibility of such an attack. The warning was noted and acknowledged. But CIA chief George Tenet is understood to have described it as "too non-specific." The FBI was also informed.
Halevy sent a second alert to the CIA that reached Washington on or around September 7.
A spokesman for the FBI refused to discuss specific details of the Mossad operation but said: "There are Congressional hearings with regard to possible intelligence failures arising from September 11. We can't verify your information because it is part of an ongoing investigation."
Neither the DEA or the CIA would comment on the record, but a senior US intelligence source said: "Anyone can be wise after the event but it was extremely difficult to act on a non specific threat given in a couple of tips from Israeli intelligence. It would be interesting to know if they could have been more specific with their information.
''Their surveillance teams must have observed Atta and his accomplices going to flying schools. I guess we might never know the real truth."
The spying operations first came to the attention of the DEA in January 2001 according to a classified 90-page dossier which has been seen by the Sunday Express. The names, passport details and other personal records of some of the Israeli-born spies are also detailed in the dossier.
they were trying to help us right? by organizing a film crew to watch the towers collapse and cheering?.
The above article is a dynamite example of how foreign intelligence agencies insert moles into US Government power seats and use them to carry out operations.
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Easier to kill a million people than to control them
Zbigniew Brzezinski Obama's Top Foreign Policy Advisers, Professor of American Foreign PolicyStrategic Analysis and Foreign Policy National
Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, worked for Ronald Regan as Intelligence advisor, founder and trustee of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the Council For Foreign Relations (CFR) and Council for Strategic and International Studies, analysis, mastermind behind the creation of Ben Ladin and the terrorist Al Quieda organisation, international advisor for a number of major corporations, an associate of Henry Kissinger, co-chairman of the Bush Advisory Security Task Force in 1988 ...what a guy...
states the following belief, conviction and effective advice to Barrack Obama and to Barrack Obama and
Zbigniew Brzezinski's employers and bosses...Jacob and Evilyn Rothchild and the rest Rothschild International Banking Family and their other evil and criminally insane International Banking Partners and Business associates and elite families
Rupert says, " Now if you want to get really.... really ... really angry .... go buy this book.. it's called the Grand Chess Board .... American Primacy and it's Neo Strategic Objectives... written by Zbigniew Brzezingski in 1997 ...I am going to read you some quotes from that book ...